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First off, what’s your name, title, and business?

My name is Adam Dekker and I’m the Owner and Lead Investment Advisor of Dekker Financial Services.

When did you start your business?


Where are you located?

We’re based in Chandler, Arizona.

Tell us, how has mentumm accelerator helped you as an entrepreneur? 

mentumm accelerator is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded business owners and dig into the really challenging issues you’re facing. The group is filled with successful business owners and I’ve felt very fortunate to be able to learn from their collective experience and wisdom.

What motivates you to do what you do? 

I truly enjoy the actual work that I do and it’s easy to invest yourself in something that you’re passionate about. I know the potential of this business, so I keep pushing to make the most of this opportunity.

What would you tell your younger, entrepreneurial self?

I would have been a business major in college!

If you had an extra hour each day of uninterrupted work time, how would you spend it?

I would spend it catching up on all of the long-term projects that get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. I’d love more time to work ‘on’ the business and improve workflows and systems to create a little more scalable efficiency.

What would you attribute most to your business’s success?

As a person of faith, I would say first and foremost that I’ve been blessed far beyond what I deserve or what I would be capable of achieving on my own. But for my part, I have the willingness to be patient and see the potential in what simply started out as a temporary job. Also, it was a humbling experience starting at the literal bottom of the organization and learning every job on my way up the ladder.

Find Your Tribe

Joe Buzzello & Tom Healy
Author: Joe Buzzello & Tom Healy

Joe Buzzello & Tom Healy are the Co-Founders of mentumm and have a shared mission to help entrepreneurs grow faster and have a greater impact on the world.

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